28 result(s) found.

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Important Update to RAR Operations 9/16 – 9/20

RAR will be undergoing updates in service and business operations the week of September 16, 2024. PIs and all JHU personnel who use our services should be prepared to request services that are non-urgent by noon on Friday, September 13th to minimize disruptions in service (animal ordering, move requests, no feed request, cage card orders […]

AAALAC Site Visit Follow Up

Thank you to those who attended the town hall on July 9th, when we presented the AAALAC site visit findings. Here are the presentation slides and the video recording. For the latter, you can start the video at the 30:30 mark. For any questions or concerns, please reach out to Dr Jason Villano at [email protected] and/or the […]

Animal Drug Formularies

A SPECIAL NOTE REGARDING MIXING ANAESTHETIC DRUGS PRIOR TO ADMINISTRATION: Question 14b of the IACUC protocol review form asks if “all drugs used for sedation, anesthesia, analgesia or euthanasia named in the protocol will be pharmaceutical grade”.  In the opinion of The NIH Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare, the combination of anesthetics drugs which are […]

2024 Rodent Seminar and Workshop Series Featured Image

2024 Rodent Seminar and Workshop Series

Here is the 2024 schedule for the Rodent Seminar and Workshop Series. We are also excited to announce that we are bringing the Rodent Biomethodology Workshop to Homewood twice this year! For the seminars, it would always be at 3-4 PM of the dates indicated in the poster. Zoom details are as follows: Meeting ID: 977 8558 1422 […]

Experimental Pathology And Phenotyping

Diagnostic pathology evaluations are performed on cases for which there are clinical/diagnostic concerns. For ill animals or those with clinical concerns, please place a clinical call. Experimental necropsy, tissue collections, and pathology evaluations should be arranged with ACVP board certified faculty pathologists in advance, ideally in planning (study design) stages of a project, for scheduled […]

Behavioral Services and Enrichment

The Johns Hopkins University (JHU) behavioral management program works in collaboration with veterinary and care staff to ensure the psychological wellbeing of animals housed at JHU facilities, via the provision of species-appropriate enrichment and socialization. The behavioral management team can also assist JHU faculty in developing or refining research protocols.   The JHU Environmental Enrichment Program (EEP) ensures compliance with all federal, state, and local guidelines and regulations regarding […]

Pre-Study Consulting and Animal Modeling Service

Research Animal Resources (RAR) veterinarians have extensive experience working with a variety of animal models and experimental techniques and are available for pre-study consultation. RAR veterinarians can assist researchers with:  We encourage such consultations prior to the preparation of grant and contract applications. Call 410-955-3273 or email [email protected] to arrange a pre-study consultation.  Veterinary pathologists are also available for consultation […]

Obtaining Drugs For Research Use

Research Animal Resources does not provide or sell any drugs (anesthetics, antibiotics, analgesics, etc.) for research protocols. However, there are other options for obtaining drugs for research use, provided investigators have an approved ACUC protocol for use of the drugs. Many drugs for animal use, such as enrofloxacin, meloxicam, carprofen, xylazine, and isoflurane, may be […]


Welcome to the eSirius Portal! Click here to access eSirius. Breeding Cage Card Request Form To gain access to the system you need to take the following steps: We have set up the following optional Zoom meetings to help new users with all their questions and concerns: Every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 3:00 PM […]