Large Animal Surgical and Technical Support
Research Animal Resources (RAR) has two dedicated surgery suites available for research surgery, located on the 4th floor of the Ross Building. Each operating room is equipped with an isoflurane anesthesia machine, mechanical ventilator, pulse oximetry, ECG, external patient warming devices, and other monitoring equipment. Veterinary diagnostic equipment is also available in consultation with the veterinarians. The operating rooms are equipped for surgeries on larger animals such as rabbits, swine, dogs, and non-human primates. Veterinary technicians are available for assistance with animal pre-operative care, anesthesia, intra-operative monitoring, and post-operative care. RAR veterinarians are available for consultation, training, and collaboration for research procedures.
Trained veterinary technicians can also assist with medication administration, sedation, anesthesia, pre- and post-operative monitoring, and special projects.
For additional information, scheduling, and current fees contact [email protected].
Current Fees
For prices and estimates of operating room and other technical support services, or to schedule a procedure, please contact [email protected].
Experimental Pathology for Large Animals (larger than rodents)
More information on this experimental pathology for large animals (larger than rodents) can be found here.
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- Compose a new email message
- Enter [email protected] in the “To:” field
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Large Animal OR Access and Orientation
If you need OR access, you must sign up for OR Orientation and walkthrough by emailing the Large Animal OR. Training is the first Monday of every month at 1pm, with walkthrough scheduled Tuesday mornings at 11am. The 2025 schedule is as follows at 1pm via Zoom:
- February 3rd
- March 3rd
- April 7th
- May 5th
- June 2nd
- July 7th
- August 4th
- September 2nd
- October 6th
- November 3rd
- December 1st
Booking and Appointments
Due to the high demand of the Operating Room, large animal surgeries are booking 6 – 8 months in advance. Please complete this form to request an appointment with the Large Animal OR.
Current due dates:
- Requests for July – December 2025: March 31st, 2025
- Requests for January – June 2026: September 30th, 2025
coming soon!