Pre-Study Consultation

Research Animal Resources (RAR) veterinarians have extensive experience working with a variety of animal models and experimental techniques and are available for pre-study consultation. RAR veterinarians can assist researchers with: 

  • ACUC protocol development
  • Selection of appropriate animal species to carry out specific studies, or non-animal techniques as they are published
  • Selection of existing animal models of human diseases
  • Anatomical and physiological peculiarities of most animals used in research
  • Techniques of anesthesia, analgesia, chemical restraint, and drug dosages
  • Techniques of blood and other sampling and drug or chemical administration
  • Pathological and clinical effects of intercurrent animal disease
  • Special caging or experimental techniques

We encourage such consultations prior to the preparation of grant and contract applications. Call 410-955-3273 or email [email protected] to arrange a pre-study consultation. 

Veterinary pathologists are also available for consultation regarding experimental pathology, phenotyping, histology, and clinical pathologyVisit the Experimental Pathology and Phenotyping page for further information.

Animal Modeling Service

The RAR Animal Modeling Service (AMS) is available to researchers who seek skilled RAR veterinarians and technicians to perform research surgeries, sample collections, infectious agent administration, and drug administration for their studies. Contact Dr. Jason Villano [email protected] for more information on this service.